Much of the honey you see on store
shelves is not pure honey. Even honey that is labeled as "pure" or "100%
honey" can include additives. The most common additives are water and
syrup made from jiggery (also known as palm sugar) --- an unrefined
sugar often used in India. Many testing methods to determine the purity
of honey involve using chemicals not commonly found at home, but you can
check honey purity with little more than water.
- Difficulty:
- Moderately Easy
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Glass
- Spoon
Pour several inches of cool water into your glass.
Scoop out approximately 1 tsp. of honey from its jar with a spoon. Pour this honey into the glass of cool water and stir gently for several seconds, then leave the glass alone for several minutes.
Examine the glass after several minutes. If the honey is still resting on the bottom of the glass as it was when you left it, the honey is probably pure. If, however, it has dissolved significantly into the water, it is probably not pure honey.